Arrowhead Syngonium


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  • Healthy Plant.
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Indoor or Outdoor : Indoor and Outdoor
Brand : Urbano
Item Weight : 450 Grams
Net Quantity : 1, Add Ons : Pots  4 Inch, Plant Size: 10-12 Inch
Country of origin: India

SKU: UGLPSN03 Categories: ,

Arrowhead Syngonium Care

Syngonium prefers slightly acidic soil with pH level between 5.5 – 6.5. It requires rich and well-draining soil. A potting mix containing peat moss and perlite is ideal for the plant. Water it well to keep the soil moist. Let the top 1-2 inch of soil layer dry out before watering again. Do not overwater the plant. Use a pot with drainage holes to let the excess water drain out. Further, this plant requires bright but indirect sunlight. Keeping the plant near an east or north-facing window is ideal. However, if kept in a room with south or west-facing window, it is better to keep it away from the window so that the its leaves don’t get scorched due to direct sunlight. An average temperature between 15-26℃ is ideal for the plant. Additionally, it requires high humidity. Therefore, mist the plant regularly with water. Also, you can keep the plant on a pebble tray. Fertilize the plant once a month during its growing season with a diluted balanced houseplant fertilizer. You can also use a half-strength liquid all-purpose fertilizer. Prune the plant during its growth period to get a bushier growth. Repot it once every two years when it becomes pot-bound. Use a slightly bigger pot and fresh potting mix to repot it.

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Arrowhead Syngonium (Syngonium podophyllum) is commonly cultivated as a houseplant. Common names include arrowhead plant, arrowhead vine, Arrowhead philodendron, goosefoot, African evergreen, and American evergreen.


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